5 tips for finding a job in the USA

1. Make a Comprehensive Resume

To find a job in the US, you need to write a competent resume. It requires a brief description of your own life, place of study, the presence of certain skills and previous work experience. The chances will increase significantly if you prepare a motivation letter or a cover letter.

2. Complete your LinkedIn profile

If you’re looking for a job, you can tell recruiters and people in your LinkedIn network that you’re open to new career opportunities. Indicate the types of vacancies you are interested in and your preferred area of work. Note that with the #OpenToWork feature, you can control who sees that you are looking for a new job.

3. Look for jobs in various sources

The most common job search option in America is online. You can search for companies and organizations on various websites or forums.

Popular English job search sites:

  • Monster.com is a job search site, one of the three largest job search sites in the US and the world;
  • Craigslist is one of the most popular classifieds sites in the US. This site is used by all those who are looking for housing for rent, buy or sell various goods or services, also on this site posting ads with vacancies;
  • CareerBuilder is another of the largest job search sites in America. On this site you can find vacancies from top US firms.

Russian-speaking job seekers can use job search sites in their native language:

  • Layboard is a Russian-language job search platform in the US and around the world. More than 100,000 vacancies are posted on the site;
  • Bazar.club is a Russian-language Internet portal for job search in the USA. On the site, you can post a job search ad or use an existing job directory to find a job you like.

4. Attend job fairs and professional events

A job fair is a special event that aims to get companies and potential employees together to network and share information. For job seekers, this is an opportunity to speak directly with employees of the company or people involved in the selection of employees in the company.

Tip: make copies of your resume and feel free to distribute them to interested employers.

5. Inquire a Stuffing agency 

In the US, there are special agencies that help the job seeker find a job (Staffing Agency). You fill out and send the form on the agency’s website, then  HR specialist will contact you to select vacancies and companies. If you are satisfied with his/her proposals, then most likely you will need to come to the agency for a meeting with the employee to clarify the details about the proposed work. Also, such agencies deal with paper  issues related to the employment of their clients.

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L Visas for Temporary Workers

The L1 Visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows foreign companies to transfer a manager, executive, or person with specialized knowledge to a US company. The US company must be a branch office, parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the foreign company.

March 20, 2023 Education